Ian Littlewood

Thank you for visiting the website. My name is Ian Littlewood and I’m living here in Kyoto with my Japanese wife and our daughter. After graduating from Oxford University, I became a university teacher and writer. You can see details of my background and qualifications by clicking Profile. To find out something about what I've written, click on Books.


The purpose of this website is to tell you about the kind of teaching I offer, which combines English conversation and culture. The idea can be summed up in six words: Learn the Language Through the Culture. If you simply want lessons in English, there are many language schools and private tutors available to help you, but English conversation can also be an opportunity to explore the nation's culture, history and society. If this interests you, click on Tuition for more details.

『英国の文化を通して英語を身につけよう』がレッスンのモットーです。英国のしきたりや歴史、生活習慣などについて楽しく学びながら、語学力アップを目指します。 既存の英会話レッスンだけではちょっともの足りないと思われている方、興味のある方はレッスンをご覧ください。